Seo-resq has developed a number of products that help your site to rank higher in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). Four Rank Reports, two SEO Scorecards, three types of SEO-Scans, a Strategy Pack, a Link Building Pack and a Social Media Pack.
Seo-resq has four Search Engine Optimization Rank Reports, one for FREE, which entails a ranking status for your site on five self chosen keywords in the four most important search engines for your website.
Further more we have a Compact Rank Report and a Standard Rank Report. We also deliver Customized Rank Reports and you can subscripe to our Rank Alert Service.
All reports are high quality, reliable and of independant sources. Rank Reports are a great measurement tool for SEO work done to your website, and also a good tool to monitor your digital competition. For more detailed info about our Rank Reports and the possibilities regarding this service for your company we refer to our menu-item SEO Rank Reports.
Seo-resq has one scorecard. In the scorecard you can find an overview of how your website scores on all seo optimizing fields possible. These scorecards are intended to give a quick overview, and serve as a good starting point for those who want and can do a lot of the seo work themselves. Click here for more info on our SEO Scorecards.
The scans are classified according to detail. So we keep it affordable for any audience to undergo SEO optimization. A quick scan, a medium scan and a very comprehensive large scan. A scan is the first step towards an optimized site. The results of a scan by seo-resq articulates in a report. For more information on the scans, we refer to our SEO Scans page.
Based on a scan and the SEO analysis involved a good strategic plan can be prepared. This covers the technical and content aspects to be adapted. But also a market analysis and a competition analysis are part of a good SEO strategy. See the menu-item SEO Strategy for more info on this. SEO Strategy is mentioned in both our Standard SEO scan and our Extensive SEO scan.
Link building is the process of collecting reliable links to your own site. Reliable links to your site, increase the value and position of your site within the search engine results. Link building is a typical example of offline SEO. For Link building different methods can be applied, dependant on your type of business and site. In general it is hard tedious work to gain the desired links. But the effort is well worth it. For more detailed info go to our SEO & Link Building page. The subject of Link Building is a part of all our SEO scans.
Social media is important because it can lead to much positive attention of your own site. Moreover, it is increasingly important to be mentioned on the social media platforms, and this is also rapidly becoming one of the determinant factors in search engine ranking. Because of social media contact with your customers is far more fastpace, direct and personal. See our SEO & Social Media page for more info. Social Media is analized more in depth in our Extensive SEO scan.
The above mentioned products are fixed price. See the right column. All work that these products entail, can also be hired as a separate service, for which an hourly rate will be charged. Seo-resq makes a diffrence between executive work and consultancy work. See the menu-item SEO Services for some more info on all the SEO services available.
For rates of all services we refer to the pricelist below.
We also refer to the terms and conditions below.
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Robert Wiebenga
Dieren GLD
The Netherlands
Chamber Doetinchem
Websites & Blogs